Grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, beloved Kappa members.
As you all know, we are living in very challenging times all across the world because of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) which is now a pandemic. In times of fear and hardship, we are called to cling more firmly to prayer and trust in the Redeemer, Jesus Christ, by whose suffering and death on the cross we are redeemed. He will see us through these difficult moments. Be informed of the health tips from CDC on how to keep yourself and others safe.
As a Kappa family, our simple communal responsibilities are: please check on each other by calling, texting, or emailing in these times when a lot of people are living in quarantine mode. Also, please pay particular attention to those who will not be receiving paychecks due to the loss of jobs or temporary layoffs within our various communities.
We may entertain fear from what we hear as human beings, but let us trust in the Lord and pray for each other. While we wait for science to provide a curative measure, we need to rely so much on God’s word and cling to Him. I encourage all to be hopeful and do not be afraid. Remember, we will get through this, for the Lord has promised to restore health unto us. (Jer. 30:17). He will not abandon His own. All He needs from us is to remain true and vigilant.

In Faith and Service,
Sr. Henrietta Okoro, HHCJ
Kappa Gamma Pi Plains Regent